Alba Robot

Startup Plus

The genesis of ALBA Robot, a self-driving Personal Mobility Robot (PMR), lies in a profoundly personal narrative. The founder's grandmother, Alba, grappled with mobility challenges and was confined to a wheelchair. Interestingly, during this period, the founder was immersed in the world of autonomous drive technology through his research at a forward-thinking engineering company. Driven by a genuine desire to enhance the lives of those facing mobility limitations, he envisioned harnessing the emerging technology for broader societal benefit. The overarching objective was to amplify inclusivity and accessibility across expansive spaces like airports, hospitals, museums, and other large facilities. Thus, ALBA Robot was born, embodying a steadfast commitment to making autonomous technology a universal solution, breaking down barriers, and fostering a more accessible world.
ALBA Robot, an impact startup from Italy, specializes in developing mobility services for People with Reduced Mobility (PRM), empowering them towards greater independence and an enhanced quality of life. This is achieved through the integration of cutting-edge technologies, including autonomous driving, robotics, sensors, and AI. Our innovative service entails fleets of self-driving Personal Mobility Robots that seamlessly blend advanced technology with premium Italian design. These services are extended to diverse facilities such as airports, hospitals, and museums, reinforcing our dedication to redefining accessibility and mobility for all.