Eva Ames | VP, Electrification and Mobility Competence Center

Eva Ames, VP, Electrification and Mobility Competence Center, DSV

Eva Ames is passionate about building a future where supply chain and logistics are enablers for new mobility offerings. At DSV, she is the Vice President of Global Key Accounts for the Automotive / Mobility Enterprise Vertical, where she uses her diverse background as a former design engineer and US Federal regulator to challenge “the way we have always done things” for customers producing everything from micromobility scooters to batteries, passenger cars, and heavy equipment.


Day 1 @ 11:15

Fast tech and slow boats: building the best of both worlds into battery supply chain

Day 1 @ 16:40

Building resilience across the supply chain

last published: 25/Jul/24 13:05 GMT

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