Nicolas Vanhove | Founder
TUTOROO | Singapore

Nicolas Vanhove, Founder, TUTOROO

Nicolas Vanhove is a 29-year-old French entrepreneur established in Singapore. He is a sales coach and founder of a marketplace called TUTOROO that connects people with native language tutors near them. He has lived and travelled throughout 45 countries before settling in South East Asia.


LEAD 2017 - Day One @ 11:40

How should marketers effectively deal with the proliferation of chat apps?

  • What guidelines should marketers adopt when deciding which apps they need to be on?
  • Is developing your own customer app even worth discussing anymore?
  • Which chat apps should marketers absolutely avoid?
  • Do you invest in an app which you know has shrinking usage e.g. LINE, but is still relevant to the market?

LEAD 2017 - Day Two @ 16:20

Omni-channel marketing: What it really takes to be available to customers 24/7 on all platforms

  • The origins of the buzzword: What Omni-Channel actually means, and how it differs in practice to Multi-Channel
  • Why Omni-Channel has, till recently, remained dream rather than reality
  • How technology is changing to make it a reality
  • Cases of Omni-Channel done well: What makes them stand out, and what we can learn from them

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