Mei Wai Wong | Business Director
Aspial (Aspial - Lee Hwa Jewellery) | Singapore

Mei Wai Wong, Business Director, Aspial (Aspial - Lee Hwa Jewellery)

Wong Mei Wai is a senior marketing and business leader who has led both global, regional and local brands within the FMCG, retail and service industries, including personal care, food & beverage, luxury and banking categories, in organizations like Unilever, Citibank, Heineken, Fraser & Neave, and is currently a Business Director with Aspial - Lee Hwa Jewellery. Mei Wai has been the Vice President of the Institute of Advertising for 7 years and the Chairman for the Advertising Hall of Fame for 2010- 2013. She was awarded the "Most Influential Brand Leaders" by the World Brand Congress in 2016.


LEAD 2017 - Day One @ 14:40

How realistic is the expectation that marketing analytics will help find causation?

  • How much can marketers trust analytics solutions that claim to measure causation, particularly in reference to offline activities for which the path of causation cannot be easily measured?
  • How reliably can marketing solutions predict causation over the long term?
  • How can the impact of long-term brand building activities, for which direct revenue cannot be attributed except by proxy, be measured?
  • Does the focus on marketing analytics privilege the short-term to the detriment of the long-term?

LEAD 2017 - Day Two @ 11:55

Chair's Opening Remarks

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