Eugene serves presently as Chairperson of RSP (Road Safety Partnership) South Africa which is affiliated to GRSP International. In addition he sits on the boards of REP ( Road Ethics Projects) and RSF ( Road Safety Foundation) – a founder member of both. Eugene has spent the majority of his working career in the motoring industry. He has amassed more than 20 years’ experience in positions varying from motoring journalism to owning a risk management company to his current position as MD of the driver training organisation, MasterDrive. Above all, Eugene is driven to improve the standards of driving on South African roads and, consequently, reduce the road death toll in South Africa. Over the years he has developed a thorough understanding of why people drive the way they do and has the ability to help them avoid these negative habits. Car crashes have an enormous toll on South African society and families. He believes if each person dedicated themselves to driving responsibly, we could not only reduce this the alarming statistics on our roads but avoid needless tragedy within families while using South Africa’s resources for much better purposes. Eugene wants to use the insight he has gained about cars and the people who drive them, to start making this change. It is for this reason that he runs his business and lives his life by the ethos of ‘Making a difference, one day, one kilometre, one life at a time!!!’