edilon)(sedra is an international supplier of ballastless track systems, insulating rail systems and noise and vibration reduction systems for high speed, heavy rail, metro & light rail systems, industrial and crane track applications.
As added value system solutions provider, we can support you in the design and application fields of tunnels, bridges, level crossings, stations & stops and urban slab track systems. But also think of depots, washing facilities, ports and industrial areas.
"The edilon)(sedra unique Embedded Rail System (ERS), creates a secure anti-theft track and cable system, ideal for use in train stations."
We can add value to your project with;
- Design and development of sustainable rail fastening solutions
- Application & engineering support services
- Consulting on technical and practical track issues
- Trainig for supervion on, or installation of edilon)(sedra systems
The ballastless track systems of edilon)(sedra have been a well-known standard in teh international rail market since the early 1970's