Stan Corner | Chief Executive Officer & Founder
Business Automation Works (ATOmate)

Stan Corner, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Business Automation Works (ATOmate)

Stan Corner, Owner – Founder of Business Automation Works and ATOmate. Stan is the CEO and founder of Business Automation Works (BAW), the team behind ATOmate. With over 25 years of experience in the technology industry, Stan’s professional focus has been on building high-performance teams and leading organisational change through operational efficiency. Stan is passionate about assisting businesses to reach their full potential through the delivery of automated processes, supporting them to achieve smarter and innovative outcomes for stakeholders and greater productivity and job satisfaction across their teams. Most recently, Stan has enjoyed working closely with professional services businesses to implement technological transformation projects and automate their key business processes. BAW is an innovative company that provides automation solutions to the Australian financial services industry.


Day 1 @ 11:00

ATOmate – Fast, Simple, Secure ATO Document Automation for Accounting Practices

Day 1 @ 15:00

Panel:The ATO's Shift to Digital Activity Statements: How It Impacts Your Practice and Your Clients

Day 2 @ 11:00


last published: 24/Jan/25 05:45 GMT

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