Young Joo PARK, Ph.D. obtained Ph.D. degree in Epidemiology from Seoul National University.
She started her career in MSD Korea as a specialist in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. She extended her experiences to data management, medical writing, safety management, and clinical operations. Then she moved to Sanofi as a head of clinical study unit in Korea. She experienced all phase of clinical studies with various therapeutic areas. She could raise Korean affiliate’s status to the highly recognized one in clinical trials. After 20 year experience in clinical research and operations, she moved to Korea National Enterprise of Clinical Trials (KoNECT), Korean government affiliation, in October 2016. She is working for the organization with the missions of attracting inbound studies, building clinical research network for Northeast Asia development, promoting Korean clinical trials outside of Korea, supporting advancement of clinical infrastructure and building integrated information system for clinical trials.