Operating in the field of precious metals for 45 years Nadir Metal Refinery is engaged in refining, recycling, recovering, and production, trading of precious metals as well as laboratory services. The Company manufactures special collector’s items of gold, silver and platinum bars and coins under its own brands and also customised products. NMR is LBMA accredited in gold and silver, listed on DMCC and Borsa Istanbul.
Kiymetli metallerdeki 45 yillik tecrubesi ile Nadir Metal Rafineri rafinasyon ve laboratuar hizmetlerinin yani sira, kiymetli metallerin gero donusumunu, uretim ve ticaretini yapmaktadir. Sirket koleksiyonculara hitaben kendi markasi altinda altin, gumus ve platin kulce ve madeni para uretmektedir. NMR, altin ve gumuste LBMA akredite olup DMCC- Dubai Altin Borsasi ile Borsa Istanbul uyesidir.