Describe how to Identify an External Service Provider (ESP) based on service requirements. Describes the process of performing due diligence and ESP qualification assessment. Financial Due Diligence (FDD) Supplier Quality Assessment (SQA) Quality Assessment Visit (QAV) IGM third party Assessment Describes how to monitor ESP performance and address performance issues. Lucy Herbert-Pike, Director of External Supply, Shire Pharmaceuticals
Olesia Sledge, Head of Global, Clinical Trial Management, Novartis Dr Artem Andrianov, Chief Executive Officer, Cyntegrity Germany Gmbh
Hear from companies with novel solutions to clinical research challengesClinical Innovation and Partnering World 2017 Day 2
Registration and refreshments
Opening Introductions
Human aspect of driving innovation and change in the clinical research industry
Selecting and Managing External Service Providers
Fair market value and safety notification portals
OpenTrials: an open, easy-to-use, linked database of information about the world's clinical trials
Engaging and Involving patients in the Charity Sector
Morning refreshments
Aligning external with interval values
An open discussion and exploration of some of the issues relating to clinical data sharing, including benefits to patients and researchers, concerns, solutions, licensing issues, and more
Ben Meghreblian, Open Trials Community Manager, Open Trials
Round Table 2
Excellence in clinical relationship management
Eileen Dergarabetian, Cluster Clinical Operations Head, Novartis
Round Table 3
Risk based monitoring: Why is it so difficult to implement this new process?
What needs to be taken into account when implementing risk based monitoring
What are the obstacles in the implementation process
How to get started, via a big bang approach or via a stepwise approach
What could go wrong and does it matter
Artem Andrianov, Ph.D., CEO, Cyntegrity
Round Table 4
How to embrace disruption in your clinical development programme
Ed Cartwright, CEO/Founder, Cloud of Experts
Round Table 5
What is Block Chain and how this can provide E2E Patient Solution
Introduction to Block Chain
Is Block Chain the evolution to End to End Patient Solution?
What are the major disruptions from payers, service provides, CROs, and Sponsors?
Disa Lee Choun, Associate Director, UCB
Excellence in clinical relationship management
How to embrace disruption in your clinical development programme
Risk based monitoring: Why is it so difficult to implement this new process?
What is Block Chain and how this can provide E2E Patient Solution
Relationship management with CROs
Disruptive business models
How to manage your relation to translate patient centricity into your CRO
Building a Living Hospital
The impact of Brexit on patient recruitment in clinical trials
Afternoon refreshments and exhibition viewing
Data, IT and connected devices for clinical development
Data, IT and connected devices for clinical development
Quick fire innovation showcase
Owise - a free app enabling breast cancer patients to record experiences of their care & offers tailored health information as to treatment & care.
Anne Bruinvels
Patients Know Best: a single, patient controlled record enables patients hold all their medical information across providers in a single record owned by them
Lloyd Humphreys
Health Unlocked – the world’s largest peer to peer health networking site enabling patients, caregivers and health advocates to connect safely online with guidance from credible experts (eg: charities) and signposts people - using AI technology - to relevant content based on their profile. It has 4m visitors and also provides digital care plans for all people diagnosed with cancer in the UK
Matt Jameson
Coordinate My Care – Julia is a consultant in Palliative Medicine at the Royal Marsden and Royal Brompton NHS Trusts and a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London. She founded Coordinate My Care with the aim of providing a step change in ensuring patients receive the care in the place they would prefer, particularly at the end of life. Coordinate My Care (CMC) is a web-based IT platform enabling digital, multidisciplinary urgent care planning for end of life care. CMC empowers patients to make decisions with their GP about the interventions they receive, and allows caregivers to better understand patient preferences and clinical needs. Patients using CMC have seen 78% compliance with their stated preferred place of death, equating to 17% dying in hospital compared to 47% nationally and is on average saving the NHS £2,100 per patient equating to an annual saving of over £16.8 million in London where it is currently deployed. If implemented throughout England, projections for annual savings would be over £556 million.
Julia Riley
DrDoctor - an online & text based service allowing patients to confirm, cancel, and change appointments digitally. Hospitals can maximise and manage patient volume to best fit their capacity as the technology can target long waiting lists and automatically book patients into empty slots in clinics. In addition, it provides digital assessments before & after appointments, saving time for both patients & caregivers
Tom WhicherInternal vs External Data Privacy: How to be complaint with new regulations by 2018
Integrated Digital Strategy
Data Sharing and Consistency: Inside and Out
o Collaborations & data sharing
o Internal research & data reuseEnd of conference