Henderi Henderi | Vice Rector
University of Raharja

Henderi Henderi, Vice Rector, University of Raharja

Professor Henderi is a Vice Rector at University of Raharja, Tangerang Indonesia. Born in Bengkulu, Indonesia. Completed Doctor (Ph.D.) in Computer Science from the Computer Science Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Teaching in the Postgraduate Study Program in Informatics Engineering, also Study Programs in Bachelor and Diploma Programs in Informatics Engineering, Information Systems, Computer Systems, and Information Management. Professor Henderi is very active in several professional organizations and associations. Among others as: Deputy Chairman of Association Auditor in the Central Management of the Indonesian Information and Communication Technology (PASTIKINDO), Central Board of the INDOCEISS (Indonesian Computer, Electronics and Instrumentation Support Society), Central Board of APTIKOM (Higher Education Information and Computer Technology), Central Board of the Indonesian Lecturers Forum (FDI ), Deputy Chairman of the DPD ADI (Association of Indonesian Lecturers) in Banten, Indonesia, Chairman in Management of APTISI (Association of Indonesian Private Universities) Region IVB Indonesia. Professor Henderi is also active in various scientific forums in the field of computer science, informatics, information systems, and other fields related to informatics. The activity was demonstrated by actively attending international and national conferences and seminars, as well as managing, Board Editor and Peer Reviewer in + 15 scientific journals. The scientific journals including: CCIT Journal, Matrix Journal, SISFOKOM Journal, SISFOTEKNIKA Journal, CITEC Journal, ICIT Journal, SENSION Journal, STORIES Journal, Journal of Information System, ITSDI Journal ATT Journal (APTISI Transaction Technopreneurship Journal), and many more. Professor Henderi works as a lecturer, writer, consultant, and a researcher with research focusing in Data Mining, Decision Support System and Information System. Professor Henderi has some results or outputs, including: +30 publications in international journals (h-Index: 7), +200 publications in national journals (h-Index: 18), and 5 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and 5 Books about Computer Science.

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