Tony Shortall | Director

Tony Shortall, Director, TELAGE

Tony Shortall is Director of Telage, a consultancy in the field of telecommunications economics and regulation. He is an economist specialising in the regulation of network industries and is  acknowledged expert in the area of telecommunications policy and regulation. He has written extensively on these matters and has advised governments, regulators and firms. 

Tony previously worked as an economist at the European Commission (2001-2008), working on developing the 2002 eCommunications Regulatory Framework and the subsequent Reform adopted in 2009. He also prepared the first two iterations of the  Recommendation on Relevant Markets, participated in preparing the SMP Guidelines, participated for the Commission on the ERG Common Position on Remedies.  He prepared the 1st draft of the Commission Recommendation on Next Generation Access consulted upon in 2008,  as well as the Commission Recommendation on Termination Rates. He helped to establish the Article 7 task force and acted as principle advisor to the team which assessed National Regulator’s market assessments.

He was previously the senior economist at the Irish Competition Authority (1997-99) dealing with network industries and also has experience in the telecommunications industry having worked with both fixed and mobile operators in the Irish Market.

He holds degrees in economics from University College Cork, Ireland and an LLM from the BSC in Brussels, Belgium. 


Connected Europe Day 2 @ 11:20

Delivering the right incentive and regulatory framework for digital Europe

  •     Will the Electronic Communications Code guarantee the right regulatory framework?
  •     Regulating access to passive infrastructure
  •     Encouraging co-investment from competing operators
  •     Facilitating private and public investment
  •     Promoting further investment through innovation

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