John Strand - a true mobile industry veteran, John have for more than 22 years advised the C-suite of major telecoms players around the World. Hi is one of the best-known consultants in the business. Anyone who has met John Strand knows that he always speaks his opinion. Being honest - and giving his honest opinion on current issues in the mobile industry has become John's trademark - even when it means being controversial or treading on a toe or two.
The fact that John works in an industry that loves to hype new products and services is no secret, on the other hand John is the first to object. Hype simply does not work on John. He is quick to cut through the BS and use facts to specify the difference between hype and what will happen in the real world.
Together with his team of analysts, John Strand has a unique ability to predict the future of the Telecom industry and the other industries that this exciting business is converging with. Many people are naturally skeptical about fortune-tellers - John Strand's attitude is that people should not judge him on what he is predicting about the future, but rather on what he previously predicted would happen today. Read more here: