Alejandra de lturriaga Gandini is currently Director of Telecommunications and
Audiovisual Sector at the Spanish National Authority for Markets and
Competition (CNMC). During 2017, she also holds the position Vice-president at
the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Gommunications (BEREC).
Ms de lturriaga is responsible for managing, supervising and coordinating the CNMC
activity on electronic and audiovisual communications.
Her functions in the electronic communications sector involve the analysis of electronic
communications markets, reference offers, conflict resolution between operators and
sanctioning procedures.
ln the audiovisual sector, she is responsible for the enforcement of the obligations
imposed on the different actors related to advertising, protection of minors, and
financing of European works, amongst others.
During 2017, Ms de lturriaga will be responsible for one of the Vice-presidencies of
Ms de lturriaga has a long experience in the sector. ln 1998 she joined the National
Regulatory Authority in Spain that was, at that time, the Commission of
Telecommunications Markets (CMT), where she held the position of Deputy Director
and Director of the Legal Department. ln 2005, she was nominated as Director of the
Regulation Department, being the responsible for the control and supervision of the
compliance by market participants of the regulatory framework, conflict resolution
between operators, elaboration of general regulations and sanctioning procedures.
She has previously worked as an Associate and Manager at Price Waterhouse Public
and Tax Law, S.L., serving as Head of the Area ofr Administrative Law, especially in
the utilities sector: telecommunications, transport, electricity, postal, etc.