Raul Rodriguez | Vice President
Woxsen University

Raul Rodriguez, Vice President, Woxsen University

Dr. Raul Villamarin Rodriguez, Vice President of Woxsen University, is a Cognitive Technologist and Adjunct Professor at Universidad del Externado, Colombia. He serves as a member of the International Advisory Board at IBS Ranepa, Russian Federation, and holds positions on the Advisory Boards of PUCPR, Johannesburg Business School, SA, Milpark Business School, South Africa, PetThinQ Inc, and SpaceBasic, Inc. Additionally, Dr. Rodriguez is a Visiting Professor at Uni. del Rosario and an Expert at UNESCO.

As a Steering Committee Member for the Annual Conference at EFMD Global and Indian Business Council Founding Member Dr. Raul is deeply involved in shaping the future of education. He is honored with a scholarship in his name at ZIBS, China, and represents India in the PRME i5 Expert Pedagogy Group. Further, he holds two prestigious titles: Steven Pinker Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Classavo Chair Professorship in Integrative Research and Digital Learning.


BioTechX USA Day 2 @ 15:10

Necrobotics 360: Shaping the Future of Healthcare


Revolutionizing patient care: Necrobotics pioneers a healthcare revolution by      seamlessly integrating AI and robotics, pushing the boundaries of innovation in patient treatment and diagnostics.

Precision in healthcare procedures: Exploring the dynamic synergy between AI and robotics, enhancing precision in diagnostics, surgeries and overall healthcare delivery for a more effective patient experience.

Navigating ethical considerations: Delving into the ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven necrobotics, emphasizing responsible deployment through the establishment of robust regulatory frameworks.

Collective vision for tomorrow: Necrobotics serves as a collaborative platform,      bringing together experts and stakeholders to shape a future where AI and      robotics harmonize to redefine and elevate the healthcare landscape.

last published: 03/May/24 07:45 GMT

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