Kirby Rosplock | Founder and CEO
Tamarind Partners
Kirby Rosplock, PhD is a recognized researcher, innovator, advisor, author, and speaker in the family business and family office realms. For the last decade, Dr. Rosplock was director of research & development at GenSpring Family Offices, based in Jupiter, Florida, one of the most prominent multi-family offices in the U.S. As the founder of Tamarind Partners, Inc., a research, advisory and consultancy practice that works with families, advisors and institutions connected to the family office market, Rosplock provides leading edge insights and knowledge to the family office domain. A board member of Family Enterprise USA, a non-profit advocacy organization for family enterprise, a Fellow of the Family Firm Institute (FFI) and Co-trustee of the Harbeck Family Foundation, Rosplock is a global advisor to financial institutions, families, family office executives and multi-family office and wealth advisors. Determining who should consider forming or joining a family office, and how to craft and set up a structure, purpose and vision for the office to fully serve a family’s particular needs and investment are her areas of expertise. Kirby Rosplock earned her undergraduate degree with honors from Middlebury College, an MBA from Marquette University, with an emphasis in private equity finance and entrepreneurship and has her PhD in Organizational Systems from Saybrook University, where she focused on change management as it applies to affluent families. Her dissertation was entitled, “Women’s Interest, Attitudes and Involvement with their Wealth.” Her passion and love of writing inspired her to write The Complete Family Office Handbook, A Guide for Affluent Families and the Advisors Who Serve Them, published by Wiley/Bloomberg January 2014. |
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Appearances coming up:
Day 2 | |
@ 13.35 |
Panel Debate: Single Family Offices vs. Multi Family Offices
Common assumptions and mistakes when determining your family office
Wealth management and investment strategies crucial to your ideology
How can you avoid inaccurately estimating the size of your wealth