About SubOptic 2025

Announcing the theme, the committees and how you can get involved


The theme for the 2025 conference is What’s on the horizon? Future proofing our digital landscape

Adoption of new technologies, laws, working practises and attitudes is required to address our rapidly changing digital landscape. The rise of Artificial Intelligence, increasing security requirements, environmental and geopolitical change, bring with them a requirement for development, standardization and flexibility. As society’s dependency on the Internet continues to grow, the pressure to provide reliable, sustainable and high-capacity subsea networks means today, more than ever, we must evolve and protect our critical infrastructure.

SubOptic 2025 asks the question ‘What’s on the horizon?’ and challenges the subsea community to look into the future and determine how best to address the variety of in-coming demands on-land, at-sea and in the cloud.

As your Programme and Papers Chairs we are working together to create a full and interesting agenda for SubOptic 2025. Lynsey, as the Programme Chair, is assisted by a number of individuals from the industry, ensuring the breadth and depth expected of the programme selection and will challenge some of the established practices in the structure of the conference programme. The Programme Committee is now in place and our planning has begun.

Eduardo is being assisted by two Vice Chairs in each of the topic areas and these are also now in place. While we are looking at some adjustments to the structure of the programme, there will be the traditional ‘Call for Papers’ and peer review selection process launched a year before the conference for the topic areas below.
If you have an idea that you think could form the basis of a masterclass or any other presentation, round table or workshop, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with lynseytsubsea@outlook.com