World Orphan Drug Congress 2018 Fulcrum Research Group Whitepaper
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World Orphan Drug Congress 2018 Fulcrum Research Group Whitepaper

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As pharmaceutical manufacturers push to ensure their thinking and actions align with patient needs, patient journey research can make an invaluable contribution to strategy. While there are challenges to conducting this type of research among people with rare diseases, their often-circuitous path to diagnosis and day-to-day struggles make understanding their journeys critical to developing meaningful brand strategy. 
By exploring the patient journey (which we define as the full patient experience from symptom onset to diagnosis and management), manufacturers can:
Understand barriers to diagnosis, including misdiagnoses 
Determine which types of physicians may be appropriate targets for disease education
Explore specific patient needs for education and support programs
Evaluate barriers to treatment / adherence and explore potential solutions
So, how do you conduct patient journey market research that maximizes useful insights? In this white paper, we discuss some best practices.