Annie Verzier | Director
The ACES Academy

Annie Verzier, Director, The ACES Academy

Annie is driven by being of service to others. She spent 12 years in the wellness industry, successfully running a wellness training centre. She trained with some of the most revered trainers in the industry to obtain her own certification as a Pilates Instructor, in order to service her clients better administratively. Having a passion for creating micro-schemes and participating in volunteer drives that take care of those who need it to empower and educate has been the driving force behind Annie's participation in the SAPVIA Accredited Training Centre, ACES Academy. Annie chose to come on-board with the ACES Academy as she understood the intent of the model from the day the seed sprouted to where the Academy is now. Her focus and intention is to create employment for Youth, especially woman. This drives her to succeed in this industry. ACES Academy's vision is to empower those around us and help those participants in gaining access to bettering their lives.


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last published: 16/Mar/24 21:55 GMT
last published: 16/Mar/24 21:55 GMT

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