Our Story


Australia's largest conference and exhibition for Education and EdTech providers!

EduTECH is one of the largest education events in the world. It is without doubt the best-known, biggest and best quality education event in Australia and the APAC region, attended by between 10,000 – 15,000 people annually.

The event launched in 2011 in Sydney and has since moved between Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne. Spin-off EduTECH events have also launched around the world including in Singapore, Philippines, Dubai, Johannesburg, and London. All up, EduTECH events reach over 50,000 educators per year!


Our Australian event features a massive 15,000m2 trade show hosting 400 exhibitors, multi-streamed conferences running in parallel and dozens of practical breakout seminars, training forums and Professional Development workshops.


All participants receive attendance certificates which can be used in most jurisdictions for recognised Professional Development.


Although EduTECH is supported by dozens of leading associations and peak bodies, as well as hundreds of solution providers, the event itself remains proudly independent, neutral, and agnostic, making it the perfect place to meet, learn and discover, as well as evaluate or purchase the very latest in educational products and services.


It is the only event that represents the entire learning lifecycle - from cradle to the grave – including preschool, K-12, higher ed, vocational education, workplace learning, HR skills development and continued adult learning.


It is also the only event that brings together everyone in the decision-making chain, including leaders, practitioners and managers from ICT, business, and finance. An example of this can be seen in the way various conference tracks are organized for school principals and executives, teachers, ICT administrators, business managers and bursars.


It is also the only event that covers all sectors and types of schools, including public, independent, and Catholic; primary, senior and K-12.


All this at one event… making it a very compelling proposition!


Don’t miss EduTECH 2024, scheduled for Melbourne on 13 & 14 August, with Study Melbourne and the Victorian Department of Education as Event Partners.



Theme, Mission, Goals

Our theme

Digitisation, Creativity, Diversity



Our mission

Is to work together to lift and lead education in Australasia by:

  • Improving teaching methods and learning outcomes across all subjects
  • Promoting gender equality, inclusiveness and equity
  • Demonstrating how new technologies - like robotics, VR, AR, drones, 3D printing, data analysis and AI – can be integrated into mainstream learning
  • Enhancing STEM education
  • Offering equal opportunities for regional schools to attend EduTECH by offering discounted tickets
  • Fostering a national culture of life-long learning 



Our goal

In addition to EduTECH’s underlying and perpetual mission, in 2024 we’re also committed to highlight and support a range of important social issues, including:

  • Reducing the incidence of youth suicide and self-harm
  • Supporting indigenous education
  • Supporting the war on plastic waste
  • Encouraging and boosting music in education



“EduTECH is so much more than Australia’s biggest conference. It’s a movement…..and TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”


- Craig Macfarlane, Managing Director, Terrapinn Australia (organiser of EduTECH)