Jorge Aníbal Rauber
Date of Birth: July 18, 1969
Electrical engineer
Work experience
February 2016 to present:
Subterráneos de Buenos Aires S. E. (SBASE) General Manager
SBASE is responsible for managing the underground metro system in the City of Buenos Aires. Currently the company is driving the expansion of Line E between the stations of Bolivar and Retiro as well as upgrading the other lines.
June 2003 to December 2012
AES Argentina Generación S.A. General Manager
AES is one of the leading electricity generation plants in Argentina, with an installed generation capacity of 3000 MW and an annual turnover of USD 900 million. As General Manager, Mr Rauber oversaw the operations of the company’s four groups of generation facilities, including commercial policy, as well as IT, fuel and supplies management, representing the company before the national authorities, and spearheading subsidy collection agreements through investment programs.
July 2000 to June 2003
Central Térmica Dock Sud Commercial Manager
January 2000 to June 2003
Endesa Chile Santiago de Chile Assistant Planning Manager