Christian Schlehuber | Team Leader CyberSecurity OT
Db Netz | Germany

Christian Schlehuber, Team Leader CyberSecurity OT, Db Netz

Christian Schlehuber studied informatics and IT-Security at the TU Darmstadt with a specialization in critical infrastructures. After receiving his master degree he started to research at the Security Engineering Group of TU Darmstadt on the topic Critical Infrastructure Protection in 2013. In 2015 he got the opportunity to apply his researches in the interlocking technologies of DB Netz AG and switched to DB Netz AG. He currently is responsible for the IT-Security of the operational technologies of DB Netz AG. Besides this he is active in the European research projects Shift2Rail and CIPSEC, which aim at improving the IT-Security of Critical Infrastructures. He is also member of the CENELEC SG 24/WG 26 and currently working on a European standard on IT-Security for Railways.


Rail Live! Day 1 @ 15:40

Security4Safety: An integrated approach

  • How can signalling equipment of railways be secured against cyber attackers?
  • How can a security lifecycle be integrated in the safety lifecycle?
  • Different approaches will be shown to this challenge

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