BIGDA Solutions

Innovation Zone Exhibitor

Bigda Solutions develops projects of Big Data technologies and artificial intelligence (advanced analytics and machine learning) to optimize the productive processes and energy consumption of companies.

Bigda Solutions manages, organizes and analyzes data provided by the company in order to develop predictive models to forecast situations such as anomalies and overconsumptions. The objective is to define which variables and under what conditions are those that influence different events. Developing advanced analytics projects help defining scenarios in real time and predicting future behaviors.

Advanced analytics
Nowadays companies generate high volume of data due to the development of internet of things (IoT), intelligent sensors and devices connected to the network. Therefore, advanced analytics allows transforming that data into business intelligence and generating a value proposal based on the structured and optimized data exploitation.

Advanced analytics uses innovative data analysis techniques that allow the discovery of hidden patterns, the definition of real-time scenarios and the prediction of future behaviors. Giving organizations a competitive advantage, looking for continuous improvement, focused on defining strategies and making optimal decisions.

Machine learning
Machine Learning is an area of study related to artificial intelligence and statistics that allows, from a set of data, create predictive models that are updated and improved with new information, developing a system that is constantly learning. With these techniques and through the analysis and study of previous patterns, Bigda Solutions can predict future behaviors. Among others Bigda Solutions has made, predictions of overconsumption in a production chain, prediction of energy expenditure in various areas of the company, prediction of energy production from renewable sources, and prediction of the price of the electricity market and commodities.
