C and M Publications Loyalty Magazine

Media Partner

Loyalty Magazine is the most widely read title on the subject of customer retention. It covers loyalty as a broad concept, reward programmes, affinity, customer insight and CRM. Importantly, it focuses heavily on how technology is reinventing what is possible, with analytics and other customer information management systems, and how mobile interaction and engagement are changing the rules.

Containing in-depth interviews with industry leaders, and briefings on emerging topics, such as loyalty and blockchain or the global growth of coalition programmes, it is required reading for anyone keen to keep their customers.
•    Readers in well over 70 countries, 
•    All business sectors addressed, including retail, financial services, travel and hotels, telecoms and online/social media. 
•    A daily news and features website www.loyaltymagazine.com, 
•    Printed edition of Loyalty Magazine published three times a year to support The Loyalty Magazine Awards (www.theloyaltyawards.com).

Subscribe online at www.loyaltymagazine.com, call Maxine Wernick on +44 (0)1572 820088 or email maxine@cm-media.net and we will send you an invoice. TO DOWNLOAD YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY PLEASE COMPLETE THIS LINK AND IT WILL BE EMAIL DIRECTLY TO YOU: https://loyaltymagazineawards.wufoo.eu/forms/loyalty-magazine-call-for-entries-edition-2017/
