Loyalty World helps your customers and their brands better understand how to engage and retain their customers.
As a sponsor you can share best practice and lead interactive sessions to educate and inspire your potential clients. Helping them to create world-class customer experiences across all touch-points and building brand ambassadors.

The big idea

Desperately seeking help
Attendees come to learn how to:
  • Develop a community that will sell their brand
  • Turn employees into evangelists 
  • Wow customers with unique offerings
  • Ensure customer are rewarded for loyal customer behavior
  • Incorporate rewards on every touch point of the customer journey
  • Reignite content marketing to drive ROI
An amazing marketing opportunity
If you offer the following products and services, then Loyalty World Middle East, offers a creative and year round marketing opportunity:
  • Loyalty programs and platforms
  • CRM platforms
  • Social CRM
  • Marketing automation
  • Business intelligence and analytics
  • Gamification
  • Data processing and Outsourcing
  • Digital agencies
  • Customer satisfaction and measurement
  • Voice of customer
  • Implementation partners and consultants
  • Content, App owners and developers





If you'd like to become an exhibitor, sponsor or speaker contact Joseph Ridley at or call +971 4 440 2536