Seminar Theater: Urban Logistics


Urban Logistics Seminar, Thursday 4 April 2019

Gerry Bogacz
Urban Logistics Seminar

The Regional Freight Plan – Taking a regional approach and engaging with numerous stakeholders

Michael Carroll
Urban Logistics Seminar

How is the City of Philadelphia ensuring the safety and mobility of pedestrians, trucks, bikes, cars and transit?

Alison Conway
Urban Logistics Seminar

Collaborative logistics and integrating freight – Leveraging communications systems to balance company costs with city efficiencies

Sandra Rothbard
Urban Logistics Seminar

The impact of autonomous vehicles on last mile delivery

Urban Logistics Seminar

STARTUPS SHOWCASE (held at the theater close to the startup technology zone)

Adam Lomasney
Urban Logistics Seminar

Clean emissions programs – Incentivizing the use of clean trucks and evaluating their interactions with city assets

Tamiko Burnell
Urban Logistics Seminar

The state of urban freight: Focus on freight mobility and logistics in metropolitan areas

Hank Willson
Urban Logistics Seminar

Transportation and city interactions – Gathering data and rethinking the curb space

Joe Dack
Urban Logistics Seminar

Freight consolidation – Understanding its impacts on truck congestion and delivery times

Caryn Quieti
Urban Logistics Seminar

Dense urban areas and noise levels – Including each store’s needs into the implementation process

Caryn Quieti, Director Of Transportation, Benjamin Foods
Urban Logistics Seminar

STARTUPS SHOWCASE (held at the theater close to the startup technology zone)

last published: 02/Apr/19 16:35