Mr. Lopez Jordan is a manager and co-founding partner of American Regional Center Group (“ARCG”) and is also CEO and founding partner of Patagonia Financial Holdings, a value oriented Private Equity Firm. After extensively researching the EB-5 industry on behalf of several clients, Mr. Lopez Jordan oversaw Patagonia’s entrance to the EB-5 market with the aim of using his firm’s significant financial structuring and investment experience to address the inefficiencies he found in the EB-5 marketplace. Mr. Lopez Jordan formed ARCG as a platform to build a larger portfolio of EB-5 Regional Centers. ARCG currently owns and operates a group of Regional Centers. Mr. Lopez Jordan has twenty years of senior management experience in asset management, private banking, securities trading and alternative Investments. Prior to forming Patagonia Financial Holdings, Mr. Lopez-Jordan was First Vice President-Senior Investment Management Specialist at Smith Barney Inc. From 1995 to 1999, Mr. Lopez- Jordan was a Vice President for the private bank at Banco Santander International Miami, where he provided financial planning assistance and portfolio optimization for clients in multiple jurisdictions. Mr. López-Jordan holds a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) from Facolta di Giurisprudenza Universita di Pisa-Italy and another J.D. from Facultad de Derecho de Oviedo-Spain and M.B.A. from Instituto Universitario de la Empresa Universidad de Oviedo-Spain.