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Stumbling Blocks in Mexican Loyalty Coalitions

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Mexico's Customer Festival is where retailers and their solution providers meet to network, learn from each other, and discuss the latest loyalty coalition developments You can now download the Stumbling Blocks in Mexican Loyalty Coalitions eBook.

Mexican loyalty coalitions are growing at a rapid pace and are becoming an essential platform in providing great customer experience. However, unlike their American and European counterparts, Mexican companies have stumbled in making the most out of their loyalty programs and offer a real and clear benefit to their customers.

In this ebook you’ll find what the 3 main challenges are across loyalty platforms and strategies and which company has been tackling those successfully.

Find out more about:

  • "Immature” or underdeveloped loyalty programs
  • Understanding Big Data and using it effectively
  • Stagnant Economy and lack of technological infrastructure
  • How a clear vision can help you leverage market opportunities
  • The difference between loyalty and point accumulation
  • Who's doing it right?