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Presentation: How to speed up service through supply chain improvements- Fatima Sullivan- DHL Express

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How to speed up service through supply chain improvements

Key factors in the presentation focus on:

Better product delivery - correct product, to the correct place, at the correct time, in the correct condition, in the correct quantities, with the correct documentation, to the correct customer will increase significantly and customers will be served better.

Better responsiveness -easier for a company to provide accurate information to it's customers regarding any product or activity because the information is readily available.
Better reliability -becomes more reliable because companies tend to give more reliable deliveries and responses to queries.

Faster Responsiveness the speed at which a supply chain provides products to the customer and resolves their problems improves dramatically.

Supply Chain Flexibility - able to respond to the market place or customer changes to gain or maintain a competitive advantage finally, by providing more flexible offerings such as more flexible returns policies and more effective relationship marketing etc.

All these go to enhance customer service, leading to improved customer's perceived value of the company and ultimately to competitive advantage.