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EBook: Top 7 Most Researched Rare Diseases: Ovarian Cancer Edition

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Over the past few weeks, through a series of eBooks, we have been highlighting some of the most researched rare diseases. Why? Well, even with fewer than 300 approved orphan drugs for nearly 7000 rare diseases, certain rare diseases receive greater attention than others in terms of research and the clinical development of therapies.

Using the orphan drug designation list on the European Commission Website and the invaluable portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs at Orphanet, we have compiled the Top 7 most popular rare diseases currently being researched based on the number of orphan drug designations and therapies in development for that particular disease.

This is the fourth eBook and this week we are putting the spotlight on rare disease research into ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer most commonly occurs in women over the age of 50 years. Due to the subtlety of symptoms in the early stages of the disease, the majority of patients are diagnosed when the cancer has advanced and spread to other parts of the body.