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Thermo Fisher Scientific on how to quicken the pace of your stem cell discoveries

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More stem cells, fewer passages: reaching your discoveries faster

Thermo Fisher Scientific kindly provided this paper, 'More stem cells, fewer passages: reaching your discoveries faster.'

The paper explores two options for stem cell culture:

  • HyCell-STEM, which is intended for use with stem cells on feeder layer cultures; and
  • HyCell-STEM-FF, which is designed for use with stem cells in feeder-free conditions

As stated in the paper, with the help of these two media, “you can expand the growth of ES and iPS cells by up to two orders of magnitude over standard feeder culture conditions, all while maintaining pluripotency. With the ability to increase pluripotent cell numbers in fewer passages, you can ultimately quicken the pace of your stem cell discoveries.”

Download the paper now to learn more about these media, and some of the advantages they have to offer.