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Case study: Novel development in immune therapy against influenza A groups 1 and 2

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The goal of all vaccine production, influenza vaccines included, is improved vaccines for all by increasing the breath of protection for longer lasting immunity. One such possible method to achieve this is the use of mAb (Monoclonal Antibodies) in vaccine production. Why not download this case study to discover more about this use of mAbs in the production of an Influenza vaccine.

Robert Friesen, VP Pre-clinical & Clinical Research, Crucell joined us at the World Influenza Congress to give details on the novel development in immune theraphy against influenza A groups 1 and 2.

Why not download the case study Novel development in immune therapy against influenza A groups 1 and 2 and discover more about:
• Discovery of broadly neutralising human mAbs against group 1 and 2 Influenza strains
• Functional and structural characterization of mechanisms of neutralization
• Prevention and treatment studies in Influenza animal disease models