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Presentation: Vaccines- from self-sufficiency to market reach

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Dr Daria Donati presented today at the World Vaccine Congress in Washington about the vaccine market landscape and the role of emerging economies.

There is a strong and growing global market in biologicals – demand doubled from 2006-2011. New manufacturing approaches are needed that are tailored to the needs of emerging countries. A key way to bring down costs is create packaged and flexible solution by looking at the facility, the process and the project. All of these help speed a product to market. Donati presented a case study in which a facility would be used for influenza and rotovirus vaccine production. Space was allocated for production that had a small footprint and could be easily shifted from one to the other vaccine manufacture in a very short period of time. The goal was to get per dose cost under $1.00.

Why not download the full presentation to find out more about the role of emerging economies!