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Presentation: Suerie Moon

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Dr Suerie Moon, Special Advisor to the Dean & Instructor at Harvard School of Public Health joined us at the 12th annual World Vaccine Congress in Washington DC to discuss her views on vaccine pricing.  Dr. Moon described the current context for vaccine pricing strategies, which includes a number of important trends including unmet needs with regards to health and access to vaccines. There are increased political demands and a newly emerging “access norm.” There is increased patenting in developing countries due to the TRIPS countries. Tiered pricing generally refers to different prices in different markets. It is applicable when markets can be segregated. Correlations are made between price and ability to pay. It is used often synonymously with differential pricing, market segmentation, price discrimination, profit maximizing strategy. These methods are supplier-focused.

“Equity pricing” is more closely related to the WHO concept of essential medicines. There are differences in the results for access and prices when comparing equity pricing vs. tiered pricing.

The three key questions Dr. Moon discussed are:

1. How do we make medicines affordable for all?
2. Who should pay?
3. Who decides and how?

For the whole presentation and details on the above mentioned focus points, please download the presentation here.