ebook - 22 tips for marketers

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So, this is the year that video will change everything for marketers. But will it change everything?
It seems to me that the key ideas remain the same, whether you’re marketing using video, email, banner ads.
And reading the submissions to this ebook, 4 key recommendations stand out:

1. Have a strategy with your video as with everything else.
2. Content is more important than technology.
3. Be sure that the video component of your marketing mix is just that, a component of a wider campaign.
4. Analyse the results.

So, new year, new medium, but the song remains the same.

It’s a new discipline for many, with a language of signs and signifiers (anyone else do Roland Barthes
at uni?!) all of its own, but it’s fundamentally another medium to which the golden rules apply:

Know why you’re doing it, think about who’s watching it, analyse the results.