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Guide to workplace learning

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Choosing the right workplace learning method for your business

Technology is changing the landscape of workplace learning. Not only are companies able to hold courses with overseas employees online, but they are also able to harness their employees’ involvement with social media. The pros and cons of these learning methodologies are discussed at length all over the internet. 

Comments abound such as:

“Online learning is cheaper in the first instance but technology changes and it costs a lot to keep up-to-date systems”

“How do you create compliance with social learning?”

“Can you trust the effectiveness of online qualifications compared to classroom courses?

In this ebook, I’ve put together an overview of different learning technologies along with  a summary of their pros and cons. This is by no means an exhaustive list. It pulls together information from news, articles and blogs and should be seen as a general overview rather than an in depth analysis. Enjoy and send suggestions of what you would like to see featured in our ebooks.