Shashank Nigam | Chief Executive Officer
SimpliFlying | United States

Shashank Nigam, Chief Executive Officer, SimpliFlying

Shashank Nigam is the CEO of SimpliFlying, one of the largest aviation marketing strategy firms, which has worked with over 60 airlines and airports globally. SimpliFlying has become well known for its work in social and digital marketing. He is a sought-after consultant, speaker and thought-leader on airline branding, well known for his work in digital marketing. He is also the youngest winner of the Global Brand Leadership Award and has addressed senior aviation executives globally. 

Shashank's perspectives have found their way into major media outlets, including the BBC, CNN , CNBC, MSNBC, Bloomberg and in leading publications like the Wall Street Journal, Aviation Week, and others. He writes a regular column on marketing for  Airline Business. Shashank studied Information Systems Management and Business Management at Singapore Management University and Carnegie Mellon University. Hailing from India, he splits his time between Singapore and Ottawa, among other cities. Shashank loves to play cricket and is a brand new dad!

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