Praxia is a company established in 2006 dedicated to the design and production of PV mounting solutions.
Since its foundation the company has designed and produced mounting systems for projects with a total output of more than 1.000 MW in five continents, 95% of these projects outside Spain.
These more than 1000 MW projects have entailed the engineering and transformation of more than 50.000 tons of steel during these years, giving Praxia a great technical and industrial experience.
Praxia designs and produces ground mounted solutions (both single and double post), roof structures (roof-parallel and elevated systems), one single axis solar trackers and PV carports.
Our engine Praxia is a company established in 2006 and dedicated to the design and production of PV mounting solutions.
Since its foundation the company has designed and produced mounting systems for projects with a total output of more than 1.000 MW in five continents, 95% of these projects outside Spain.
These more than 1000 MW projects have entailed the engineering and transformation of more than 50.000 tons of steel during these years, giving Praxia a great technical and industrial experience.
Praxia designs and produces ground mounted solutions (both single and double post), roof structures (roof-parallel and elevated systems), one single axis solar trackers and PV carports.
Our engineers design and calculate the mounting systems according to the legal regulations of each country, based on the information provided by the Client.
Once this information has been analyzed, Praxia carries out the technical-economic offer, including both the structural calculation and the solution for the pile driving or alternative (concrete footings, drilling …).
If the offer is accepted by the customer, Praxia has at its disposal highly specialized means, such as cold roll forming machines with a wide variety of sections, punches and profiles that allow us to adapt our products to the requirements of each project.