Make sure that you get the most from your participation at Solar & Storage Live London 2025.
Promote your presence and increase interactions onsite with new and current clients.
This toolkit will help you make sure that you meet the right people at the show and spread the news about your participation.
A quick and easy way to let everyone know you’re exhibiting / speaking at the show is to add the event banner below to your email signature and get your team to do the same. We can also send you one with your stand number on it. To download the banner, please click the 'DOWNLOAD NOW' button at the bottom of the page for more options.
Announce you’re exhibiting / speaking / visiting at the show on social media using #solarstoragelive or mentioning the following pages:
LinkedIn -
Facebook -
X -
Instagram -
If you create your own invites, emails or adverts don't forget to use the Solar & Storage Live London 2025 logo. To download the logo, please click the 'DOWNLOAD NOW' button at the bottom of the page for more options.