Jakes Jacobs | Industry Workforce Planner
Energy Skills Queensland

Jakes Jacobs, Industry Workforce Planner, Energy Skills Queensland

Jakes’ career span a variety of workforce planning and development roles across Industry Skills Councils, Registered Training Organisations and Industry Associations.  As the Industry Workforce Planner for Energy Skills Queensland, Jakes has researched and published several reports on workforce capacity and capability in the energy industry.  Jakes is the Industry Skills and Jobs Advisor to the Queensland Government for the Electrotechnology & Utilities sectors, managing the interface between industry, the education sector and the government.  Jakes continues this work to ensure the energy sector is supported with the required skills to grow and sustain the sector.


Day 1 - 26 March @ 15:40

Panel: Skills development - building the pipeline of future installers

last published: 05/Feb/25 23:15 GMT

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