
Media Partner

NewsAfrica is set up to serve the news and information needs of Africa and Africans in the Diaspora. It also provides news and intelligence o­n the continent to the international business community.NewsAfrica, our flag project is a news publication - strong in politics, business and back of the book subjects like arts, sports, environment and women's affairs. With a strong editorial team and correspondents in almost all African capitals, America, Europe and Asia, we cover Africa from a complete perspective.


Co-located with Satcom Africa 2015:

  • Connected Africa 2015
  • Metro Networks 2015

    Satellite, comms and connectivity for all enterprises, ISP’s, telcos and partners

  • Broadband 2015

    Satellite, comms and connectivity for all enterprises, ISP’s, telcos and partners

  • Rural Telecoms Africa 2015

    Satellite, comms and connectivity for all enterprises, ISP’s, telcos and partners

  • Carriers World Africa 2015

    Enterprises, ISP'S telcos and partners are under huge pressure to capitalise on the vast opportunities in the African market. Connected Africa is the leading marketplace and ideas exchange for African enterprises, ISP’S telcos and government.