Nicola Knight | Senior Enterprise Fellow
University of Southampton

Nicola Knight, Senior Enterprise Fellow, University of Southampton

Nicola Knight is a Senior Enterprise Fellow at the University of Southampton working on the Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI) - She co-ordinates and manages many the activities being undertaken in the PSDI, with a particularly focus on the communication, engagement and training areas of the project. Nicola has a background in chemistry, focusing on the interface between Chemistry and Computing with research in chemical modelling, remote experiments and the implementation of IoT technology in scientific research. Nicola's current research interests are in the use of computing in scientific labs and notetaking with particular interest in research data management and streamlining the research process.


Day 2: 15th May @ 15:45

The Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure: What we can do for you!

PSDI aims to accelerate research in the physical sciences by providing a data infrastructure that brings together and builds upon the various data systems researchers currently use. We have created tools and services for the community to enhance their research and data capabilities across the research data lifecycle. We provide access to highly curated datasets and have developed guidance and training materials designed to inform and upskill the community. This presentation will provide an introduction to PSDI and detail our range of offerings for physical scientists, and explain how you can get involved with and benefit from our infrastructure.

last published: 14/Feb/25 17:25 GMT

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