Shaun Tay | Lecturer
Republic Polytechnic

Shaun Tay, Lecturer, Republic Polytechnic

Shaun has over 15 years of experience as an educator in game design, game-based learning and gamification in Republic Polytechnic. He teaches Game Theory, Board & Card Game Design, and 2D Art. He is engaged in the application, and prospects of game-based learning as an academic researcher. Specialising in Applied Teaching & Learning, he believes compelling play experiences is the key to elevate learning in the new landscape of education. His philosophy in game design is identical to his methods as a dungeon master – it’s all about the depth of the player’s (or learner’s) experience.


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 14:45

Show & Tell – Game-based learning using a Gen AI chatbot

  • How an AI-powered chatbot can transforme the learning experience by enabling personalised, interactive learning anytime and anywhere
  • Measurable improvements in students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
  • Navigate adaptability and scalability of using AI chatbots across different educational contexts and modules


last published: 02/Nov/24 19:15 GMT

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