Prof Dr Sasa Arsovski | Dean of the Ai & Robotics Faculty
Raffles University Iskandar

Prof Dr Sasa Arsovski, Dean of the Ai & Robotics Faculty, Raffles University Iskandar

A senior academic and a researcher in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Maintained a highly recognized research and academic profile for last 15 years. Invented state of the art brain computer interface processing approach that pushed the boundaries of communication between humans and machines. Receive Ph.D. at the Department of Applied Computer Science and Informatics, Faculty of Technical Science, University Novi Sad, Serbia. Vice Director and Senior AI Research Fellow, Imagineering Institute, Iskandar, Malaysia, Programme Director AI & Robotic and Professor Associate, Raffles University, Iskandar, Malaysia. Author of the books “Decision support and strategic planning ontologies, and “BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE AI RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS - State of the art and Future Applications”, author and co-author of numerous research papers published in peer-reviewed International conferences and international journals. Excellent team worker as well as a leader with ability to manage and motivate people. Hardworking and responsible individual with perfect balance of the academic and industrial experience who take challenges to enhance organizational needs.


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 16:35

Panel – Me, myself & AI: designing responsible learning practices

  • Understanding GenAI’s role as a teaching & learning tool
  • Avoiding pitfalls, over-reliance and risks
  • Fostering the importance of data literacy and critical thinking skills
last published: 04/Sep/24 04:05 GMT

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