Kathrin Probst | Engineering Director
Google for Education

Kathrin Probst, Engineering Director, Google for Education

Katharina Probst is a Director of Engineering at Google, where she currently heads the engineering and data science teams for Google for Education. Before Google, she was a Director of Engineering at Netflix, where she was responsible for the Netflix API, which helps bring Netflix streaming to millions of people around the world. She also holds a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University. Her technical focus is on scalable distributed systems and cloud computing, but her interests go beyond the technical to the human, where she is passionate about making education accessible and effective for people around the world.  You can find her at www.linkedin.com/in/katharinaprobst.


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 09:30

Keynote – Advancing education with help from AI

  • Personalised learning to support individual learners' needs and learning style
  • Utilising AI to enhance teacher creativity
  • Improving teaching and learning outcomes with the use of data analytics
last published: 04/Sep/24 04:05 GMT

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