Kar Mun Lam | Teacher
Dunman High School

Kar Mun Lam, Teacher, Dunman High School

I am a Biology (JC) teacher at Dunman High School and my interests lie in finding ways to make learning Science relevant and engaging for students. I am also passionate in exploring EdTech innovations and leveraging artificial intelligence / machine learning possibilities to enhance teaching and learning. Recognising the transformative power of generative AI, I seek to harness the potential of large language models such as ChatGPT to augment workflows.


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 13:15

Show & Tell – Using ChatGPT to facilitate the crafting of student-generated questions to enhance synoptic and conceptual learning

  • Empowering students to generate their own exam questions and answer schemes to enhance engagement and active learning
  • Facilitating deeper conceptual understanding by connecting core ideas through question creation with the assistance of ChatGPT and search engines
  • Improving students' mastery of command words and question requirements for better exam performance
last published: 12/Oct/24 10:45 GMT

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