David Hollands | Founder & Head Consultant
Global Consulting Hive

David Hollands, Founder & Head Consultant, Global Consulting Hive

Apart from being able to talk all day about his passion for coffee, cars, chilli and discoveries in emerging sciences. David is the Founder and Head consultant at Global Consulting Hive and Co-founder of Alpha Immersion, a consultancy focused on services to help education and later a technology start-up to help improve healthcare quality for billions globally. 

Prior to his current endeavours, David held the position of Global Strategist for Education at HP. Helping HP with high-scale education projects to achieve its goal of improving learning outcomes for 100M Learners by 2025, doing so 3 years early. 

He has previously served as an Industry advisor to the Australian digital technologies national curriculum and held the positions of Vice President and executive for the United Nations Association in his home state of Australia. David brings over 25 years of strategic leadership experience and expertise, working on large-scale projects with multilateral partners including the UN, governments, communities and schools.


Pre-conference Workshops @ 14:00

[W6] 5 Nov (PM) - Crafting effective digital strategies for education transformation [FULLY SUBSCRIBED]

Delve into the intricacies of digital transformation in educational institutions. Our focus extends beyond technology — it centres on human-led strategies that empower educators, students, and stakeholders. In this workshop, we'll be mastering the art of designing digital strategies by journeying through these five key domains: 

  1. Framework design for scale
  2. Human-led transformation
  3. Meaningful tech engagement
  4. Stakeholder assessment and
  5. Opportunities for transformation 

Learn how to best construct a robust framework for scaling educational initiatives, which will allow you to create flexible models that push the boundaries of traditional classrooms, leading to the implementation of scalable solutions that elevate the educational experience. Balance the focus from technology-centric discussions to ones that prioritise human needs. By understanding the challenges faced by educators, the aspirations of students and community expectations, we pave the way for strategies that truly resonate with real-world scenarios. Engage with technology through meaningful ways to achieve your educational and strategic goals and we'll explore how to measure the true impact of tech on student outcomes as well as empowering educators to harness these tools to their full potential. Develop a comprehensive stakeholder assessment strategy through tailored surveys and the right frameworks in order for you to drive evidence-based changes that can be scaled effectively. By assessing the engagement of all involved—teachers, parents, administrators, students, and the wider community—we'll identify areas ripe for development. Discover the transformative opportunities that arise from data-driven insights! By reimagining teaching methods, learning spaces, and community engagement, it's important to foster a dynamic learning ecosystem that prepares students for a world that's rapidly evolving and increasingly interconnected.

Participants will:

  • Learn the principles of building your own evidence- and outcome-focused, whole-school framework for transformation
  • Understand how to identify digital and non-digital opportunities that align to targeted improvement areas, set expectations and measure change
  • Learn to develop human-centred educational strategies that address the challenges of educators and cater to student needs

EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 15:20

Panel – Leading through turbulence: resilient leadership in times of crisis

  • Adaptable leadership strategies to navigate unforeseen challenges
  • Empowering teams to build resilience during adversity
  • Leveraging crisis as a catalyst for innovation
  • The importance of resource planning and preventative measures
last published: 02/Nov/24 19:15 GMT

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