Fugro Geospatial


We are the world’s leading, independent provider of geo-intelligence and asset integrity solutions for large constructions, infrastructure and natural resources. We provide the technical data and information required to design, construct and maintain your structures and infrastructure in a safe, reliable and efficient manner.
We provide accurate, up-to-date information in a safer, faster more affordable way, with limited disruption to railway traffic, to help rail professionals worldwide design, build, upgrade and maintain railway infrastructure. By creating a 3D virtual model of the railway corridor - including track, catenary, switches and crossings, cable runs, trackbed, earthworks and structures - our RailData services help you deliver improved efficiencies in asset management and engineering.
With a unique suite of innovative 3D surveying and testing technologies we accurately model and evaluate entire rail networks quickly, safely and comprehensively, encompassing all buildings, structures and track in the railway corridor. We provide essential information, from sub-millimetre rail wear measurements to the trackbed and underlying geology. By bringing the railway onto your desktop we enable you to analyse and extract actionable information quickly and efficiently.
