Jorge Olavarrieta is a Director of Product Management within Intuit’s ProConnect Group. For the past 21 years, Jorge has closely partnered with tax and accounting professionals to help develop solutions that drive efficiencies and better business outcomes for their firms.
He spent nearly a decade managing Intuit’s Lacerte tax product, and helped it become one of the premier tax software solutions in the market. In 2008, Jorge began leading the development of Intuit’s ProConnect Tax Online, which is now the leading cloud tax preparation solution for tax professionals.
Jorge recognizes the tremendous value that tax and accounting professionals bring to small business owners and individual taxpayers alike. His passion to help the profession succeed, and his vision for how technology can help drive efficiency and help tax and accounting professionals make a difference in their clients’ lives is helping to shape the future of the industry.
Ali Hamdani now on + 1 646 619 1774 or email
Kiara Morgan now on + 1 646 619 1840 or email
Bree Vaughn now on + 1 646 619 1819 or email