Wayne Stokes | Chair of the Risk & Audit Committee
City West Housing

Wayne Stokes, Chair of the Risk & Audit Committee, City West Housing

Wayne is an experienced Board Member, Committee Chair and CFO Alumni with over twenty-five years of board-level and executive experience across the commercial, private and not for profit sectors. Current Board & Committee highlights include Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Risk & Audit Committee for City West Housing (property developer and provider of affordable housing), Non-Executive Director at St Johns Ambulance (NSW) and Risk and Audit Member for the Australian Dental Council.   Previously, in an executive capacity Wayne held several CFO roles, including Carnival Cruise Corporation (Asia), Carnival Cruise Corporation (Australia), Toga Property Development and Hospitality Group (Europe) and Lend Lease Global IT Group (US).      Wayne was the 2024 President of CPA Australia Divisional Council (NSW), a current Committee Member for CPA Australia CoE (Ethics & Professional Standards) and is a Fellow CPA. Finally, Wayne holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from Swinburne University (Victoria), an Executive MBA (from the Australian Graduate School of Management) and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.  


Day 2 @ 14:30

Panel: CPA Ethics Center for Excellence

last published: 16/Jan/25 09:45 GMT

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